Register Early

Secure Your Spot & Perks in RISCPA Seminars

Seminar Fees and Location

Seminar fees include all course materials, continental breakfast, lunch and refreshments. Lunch will be provided for 8-hour course participants only. Lunch is NOT provided at the Annual Tax Forum in January.

Most seminars are held in the RISCPA Conference Room. Our training room is limited to 20 participants. Please register early. Always check your confirmation for exact time and location.

Member Discount Policy

Discount applies to Society members and members of any other state CPA society. Listed prices reflect the discount. Non-members choose the non-member fee.

American Institute of CPAs Member Discount

AICPA members in good standing are eligible for a discount of $30 off the course fee on select 8-hour courses developed by the AICPA. Eligible courses are clearly noted.

If We Cancel a Seminar

A seminar may be canceled by a vendor if the minimum number of required participants is not obtained. You may elect to receive a full refund or transfer into another seminar. Your early registration is appreciated and helps to avoid seminar cancellations.

If You Cancel or Transfer a Seminar

Cancellations and transfers are required 5 (FIVE) Business Days prior to the course. You may receive a full refund or can transfer to another course within the current CPE year. Cancellations must be received by 4PM - 5 (five) business days prior to the course.

Registrations cancelled 4 business days or less prior to the course will receive a 50% refund of course fee. No-show registrants are not eligible for any refund of course fees. You may request to receive the course materials electronically.

Substitute registrants are only allowed with 48 hours prior notification. Note that non-members must pay the full course fee if substituting for a RISCPA member.

Course Materials

Course materials will be distributed via email at least (1) business day prior to the scheduled seminar.

Course Times

Most seminars begin at 8:30 am and end at 4:00 pm.

Smoking Policy

Smoking is allowed outside of the society office.

Cell Phones

Cell phones must be set to the silent mode during classroom hours. Please refrain from cell phone use in the classroom. There are no public phones at the facility.


RISCPA offers a variety of ways to meet your CPE requirements. In addition to the many conferences and seminars, RISCPA has partnered with a variety of webcast providers to bring you live, interactive webcasts.

CPE Tracking Tool

RISCPA offers a CPE Tracker tool to its members. CPE Tracker will manage your CPE compliance. It allows you to record and maintain your CPE credits. The Tracker will record CPE credits taken with RISCPA for your convenience. You may download your CPE transcript for easy upload to the RI Board of Accountancy.

CPE Regulations

The Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation – Board of Accountancy is responsible for the administration of the licensing of certified public accountants, public accountants, partnerships, corporations, and sole proprietorships, including the processing of applications and fees, the issuance of licenses, certificates and permits to regulated businesses, occupations and professions.

For information regarding your CPE requirements please contact the RI Board of Accountancy.

CPE Disclaimer

Any information or suggestions presented at seminars and conferences sponsored by the Rhode Island Society of CPAs (RISCPA) or Rhode Island Business Forum (RIBF) are subject to constant change and, therefore, should only serve as a foundation for further investigation and study. All information, procedures, and forms contained or used in such events should be carefully reviewed and should serve as a guide for use in specific situations; RISCPA will not be held responsible or liable for omissions or errors in our programming. Speakers are expressing their own views, or those of program authors. Such views and opinions have not been approved or endorsed by RISCPA or our partners.

RISCPA advises anyone taking courses through our organization that you are doing so at your own risk and should regularly complete a thorough check of all computer hardware to reduce the potential for spreading computer viruses and be mindful that commercially available programs to detect viruses are not foolproof. RISCPA accepts no responsibility for the inadvertent spread of a computer virus, and participants enrolling in any courses acknowledge the risk involved and agree to hold the Society harmless.

RISCPA reserves the right to make changes to prices, dates, locations, and speakers at any time without notice and to cancel a course because of an insufficient number of registrations. If it becomes necessary to cancel a course, participants will be notified and advised of options for reimbursement. RISCPA does not assume financial responsibility for penalties or expenses incurred by registrants for any reason.

Special Notes

Most meeting rooms vary in temperature throughout the day. While the Society makes every effort to maintain a comfortable room temperature, it is best to plan for a variation of room temperatures. Please, dress in layers.