Course Catalog

RISCPA continues to offer high-quality, up-to-date, professional education. We hope you will choose RISCPA as your educational provider of choice.

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Center for Business Education

RISCPAs Center for Business Education, a place where quality continuing education intersects with professional networking and revenue generating strategies.

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Secure Your Spot Now

Four Easy Ways to Register

Registrations are accepted by 3PM the day before the seminar; Walk-ins are accepted providing course manual and seating space is available (check with RISCPA). The course fee must be paid prior to the course - You cannot reserve a space in class without full payment. Checks are to be made payable to The RI Society of CPAs. You may also register and pay for seminars using Visa, Discover or MasterCard.

  1. Register online in our course catalog
  2. Mail your registration to The RI Society of CPAs, 2155 Diamond Hill Rd. Cumberland, RI 02864
  3. Phone your registration to 401-331-5720 with credit card information, we accept Visa, DIscover  and  MasterCard.